After you have logged in via. DFØ-ID lets you log into the DFØ systems for payroll and accounts with a username and password.

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Direktoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring has 6 repositories available.

. DFØ is mandated to help ensure sound financial management in Norways government institutions and that the government reaches its goals through good governance organisation. As from 1 May you can register working hours and absence directly on your mobile phone using the DFØ app. Scheduled - SAML integrasjonen mellom selvbetjeningsportalen og DFØ IDID-Porten oppgraderes i kveld i tidsrommet 2200 - 0100.

PIN Code and fingerprint. DFØ also provides training guidance methods and tools for good governance to government agencies. The DFØ app asks for access to your photos in order for you to be able to take photos of your receipts and upload in the app.

This app may be used to send travel expense claims register. 400 07 997 Org. The DFØ app is for those who are employed or do an assignment for a government company that uses DFØs payroll services.

Vi gjør oppmerksom på at du kun kan være innlogget i appen eller på Selvbetjeningsportalen på én enhet. Follow their code on GitHub. The DFØ app is for those who are employed or do an assignment for a government company that uses DFØs payroll services.

Here you will find login information password rules and help. I stedet må du bruke Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Safari eller Firefox. DFØ had 465 employees as at the end of 2019 with 417 FTE on a yearly basis.

If you are a new user and have not received a password click Forgot. Karl Johans gate 37 B. Direktoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring DFØ er statens fagorgan for økonomi styring organisering og ledelse beslutningsgrunnlag for statlige tiltak samt innkjøp i offentlig sektor.

With this app you can submit travel expenses. You can also easily submit travel and subsistence claim forms or apply for. From 1January 2021 all employees will use the self-service portal and the DFØ app to register time travel expenses expense reimbursement application for.

400 07 997 Org. Travel time abroad will usually be compensated with 05 hours for every 1 hour registered but some agencies may have other. From this page you can log into DFØs systems for payroll and accounting with your username and password.

Olavs plass 0130 Oslo. You must whitelist the ID of Citrix Receiver in StoreFront. Welcome to login Choose your business from the list.

With this app you can submit travel expenses register time find. It is not sufficient to complete a travel expense claim. Olavs plass 0130 Oslo.

Selvbetjeningsportalen blir ikke berørt direkte. Please contact your IT department with this information. The DFØ app is for employees and persons who have performed a task for an agency which uses DFØs services.

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